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Investigations Dataset


Investigation Name:    Investigation into Pfizer's Activities in China

Trend:    None

Type of investigation:    SEC, DOJ

Other Agencies Investigating/Assisting with SEC/DOJ Investigation:    Unknown

Whistleblower:    Unknown


Pfizer Inc. is a global pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets prescription medicines for humans and animals. Pfizer is incorporated in Delaware and is headquartered in New York, New York. Its securities are registered with the SEC, and its common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “PFE.”

In its 10-Q filed on November 5, 2020, Pfizer disclosed that it had received an informal request from the DOJ's FCPA Unit seeking documents relating to the company's operations in China. The SEC's FCPA Unit made a similar request in August 2020. Pfizer said it was producing records pursuant to those requests.

This investigation is ongoing.

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